Life teen Aotearoa
leadership convention
Thanks to all who attended

Redefine Youth Ministry // Renew Your Passion
Dynamic talks and training from Life Teen International Staff & local youth ministry experts and providing a place to engage in discussions with people from across Aotearoa, this Convention is an opportunity not to be missed.
The Convention is for all, newbies to experienced youth ministers, to learn more about Life Teen, gain practical youth ministry skills, be formed, strengthened in faith, spend time in prayer and learn from others in our church whanau.
AUG 30 – SEP 01 2024
Comprehensive Training
The goal of this weekend is to equip adults to lead teens closer to Christ. Whether you are new to ministry, or looking for the best practices to continue your ministry, you’ll find this event has something for you.
You can count on incredible keynotes from several speakers from Life Teen International and some of our local youth ministers, breakout sessions designed to be practical and relevant to your ministry, and a foundation in the sacraments to renew your ministry through your relationship with God.
Whether you are a priest, youth minister, core member, or an interested parent, we are ready to serve and train you.
Community & Spiritual Renewal
In addition to practical, comprehensive training, you’ll experience community and personal spiritual renewal. Make connections with other from your area, network with those in similar situations as you, and learn from some of the best youth leaders around.
Be renewed in your own relationship with God through Mass, Eucharistic Adoration, praise and worship, and other times of prayer.
You’ll leave knowing you’re not alone, but part of a greater community with a God who knows you, sees you, and loves you.