What is Life Teen Missions?
Life Teen Missions is answering the call from Christ’s final command in Matthew 28:19, “Go and make disciples of all nations,” through our specific ministry to teens. We invest in the lives of the youth around us by going out to them, inviting them into relationship and teaching them what it means to follow Christ.
Life Teen Missions is dedicated to providing opportunities for young adults to rise up and answer the missionary call in a concrete, formational, life-changing way that leads teens, families and communities closer to Christ.
Summer Missions
Life Teen’s Summer Missions program provides young adults the opportunity to serve at a Life Teen summer camp. Nearly 350 teens experience a Life Teen summer camp every year, and the summer missionaries serve on the front lines.
There are a variety of different roles as a summer missionary, all with the focus of providing a safe, welcoming, exciting environment for teens to have an incredible summer camp experience while growing in their faith.
You’d never believe just how transformational a week of leading teens closer to Christ at the #bestcampever can be.